News and Stories
September 11, 2018
Rain in the primary growing region of Mexico has curtailed harvesting in some areas; picking has been sporadic. Prices are inching up.
- Markon First Crop Limes are available from Mexico (loading in McAllen, Texas)
Lime shipments crossing into South Texas this week are expected to be down due to wet weather
- Harvesting has been sporadic in some areas due to muddy, wet field conditions
- Fruit must dry out prior to picking to avoid oil spotting
- Excessive moisture can lead to increased stylar end break down in raw product
- Availability is tightening up but supplies remain adequate due to weak demand
- A tropical storm is developing in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico that may bring more wet weather to the growing region later this week/early next week
- Markets will rise as a result of the wet weather
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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