News and Stories

UPDATE: Lettuce and Leafy Greens in the Salinas Valley

October 06, 2016

Salinas Valley weather is expected to reach the low 80s over the next several days, but will fall back into the mid- to high 60s next week. There is a chance of rain towards the end of next week; Markon will update accordingly. Lettuce and leafy green prices should remain at lower levels through next week; supplies are readily available.

  • A few days of heat will not affect quality very much; however, longer periods of sustained heat can put stress on plants, thin the texture of leaves, and reduce shelf-life
  • After several days of persistently high temperatures, plants will try to re-seed; if this occurs, expect more seeders or extended cores in leaf items
  • Fringe or internal tip burn are also frequent problems during this time of the season
  • Mildew can become an issue on outside, wrapper leaves as well

Markon inspectors are working with suppliers to select the best lots available for Markon orders. Please remember that maintaining the cold chain is critical to maximizing the quality and shelf-life of commodity and value-added produce items.

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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