News and Stories

UPDATE: Inclement Weather Forecast for the Desert Growing Region

March 03, 2016


The Arizona/California desert growing region has experienced abnormally warm weather for the last four to five weeks, but rain, lower temperatures, and strong winds are expected to return this Sunday, March 6 and persist over the following 10 to 14 days. Temperatures in the low to mid-60s and strong winds are forecast for early next week. Rain and freezing weather will hit on Tuesday, March 8. Rain will return March 12-13 as well as March 15-16. 

  • Approximately .10” to .30” of rain will fall in Yuma, Arizona and California’s Coachella Valley on Monday, March 7
    • Depending on total rainfall, harvests could be delayed or cancelled
    • Growers will pack ahead to alleviate any shortages that could be caused by the wet weather
    • Quality issues such as excess dirt, mechanical damage, mildew, pre-mature pinking, reduced shelf-life, wind burn, and wind damage may develop
    • Markon inspectors will work with field managers to keep cartons as clean and dry as possible
  • Possible lettuce ice is forecasted in some areas for Tuesday, March 8 and Wednesday, March 9
    • Harvests will be delayed; production will be limited
    • Another wave of frost-related issues such as epidermal blistering and peeling may develop depending on the severity of the ice  
    • Supplies will tighten and prices will rise
  • Demand could strengthen if temperatures climb into the 60s and 70s in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern regions of the U.S.
  • Expect prices to increase next week; weather conditions will reduce supplies and lower yields
  • Markon will continue to update regarding supply levels, prices, and quality as the desert weather situation unfolds 

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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