News and Stories

UPDATE: Iceberg Lettuce Prices

September 16, 2015


The iceberg lettuce market continues to escalate; prices are reaching the low 30s. Ready-Set-Serve salad blends containing iceberg could reach second-level triggers early next week. The market is expected to remain elevated over the next several weeks.


  • Last week’s extremely high temperatures are significantly reducing yields and carton weights
  • Processor demand is very strong; crews are harvesting more heads of lettuce to fill bin weight requirements, diminishing carton availability 
  • Hot weather stunted growth and caused a harvesting gap, resulting in smaller head sizes; the 30-count size is becoming more prevalent
  • Insect damage, internal burn, seeder, and sunscald are affecting yields
  • More hot weather in the low to mid-80s is forecast this weekend; expect current quality and market conditions to persist
  • Markon First Crop Premium Iceberg is limited; Markon Best Available will be substituted as needed


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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