News and Stories

UPDATE: Iceberg Lettuce Market

June 12, 2015


The iceberg lettuce market continues to rise. Demand is strong for both whole-head cartons and processed items; supplies are tightening.


  • Markon First Crop Premium Iceberg is sporadic due to inconsistent weights; Markon Best Available will be substituted as needed
  • 24-count carton weights are in the low to upper 40-pound range
  • Current quality is very good, but insect damage, small head size, and sun scalding are minor issues
  • Expect high prices into next week
  • Abnormally warm temperatures will increase growth, but also cause quality problems in product harvested early next week (arriving to member distribution centers late next week and early the following week)
    • Internal burn, mildew pressure, and shortened shelf-life are potential issues
    • Ready-Set-Serve Iceberg items could exhibit premature breakdown from internal burn as early as next week
    • Temperatures are expected to remain in the mid-70s to mid-80s through next week
  • Markon inspectors will continue monitoring commodity and value-added packs for any heat-related defects and designate lots of the highest quality 

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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