News and Stories

UPDATE: Heat in the Arizona/California Desert Region

January 29, 2018

Record high temperatures (upper-70s to mid-80s) are expected in the Arizona/California desert region early this week. Markon First Crop Premium Iceberg Lettuce, Romaine, and Green Leaf supplies are available and quality is very good.  

The warm weather will cause

  • Heat-related defects in lettuce crops, but harvesting crews will work diligently to remove quality issues and leave affected heads behind
  • Arizona/California desert region supplies continue to mature (iceberg, leaf, and mix items) ahead of schedule by 10 to 14 days

Barring adverse weather conditions over the next couple months in the Salinas and Central Valley California growing regions, we expect a normal transition come early March. With very little rain and moderate temperatures, first plantings are on schedule (if not slightly ahead).

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