News and Stories

UPDATE: Green Onions

August 12, 2016

Green onion stocks will become limited over the next five to seven days. Prices will rise over the next several weeks due to a supply dip forecast for late August. Temperatures in the Mexicali, Mexico growing region are predicted to reach 110-plus over the weekend and into early next week. Such extreme heat can stunt onion growth.

  • Hot weather over the past several weeks has pushed production ahead of schedule, creating a harvesting/supply gap
  • More recent extreme heat has slowed onion growth 
  • Expect smaller, more lightweight onions on the market at this time; overall yields are below normal
  • Small sizes are most abundant; medium and large sizes are limited
  • Expect tight supplies and elevated markets over the next three weeks
  • Markon will monitor trigger levels for Ready-Set-Serve Green Onions and update next week

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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