News and Stories

UPDATE: Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine

August 10, 2015


The iceberg market continues to escalate; regional harvesting is winding down and school orders have increased, strengthening demand for West Coast product. Humidity and higher-than-average temperatures have advanced seeder and burn issues, greatly reducing yields. Green leaf and romaine prices are rising due to quality problems and tight supplies. Markon expects elevated prices through next week.



  • Lower-than-normal case weights will decrease overall yields and drive up processor demand; processors must harvest more acres to equal the pounds necessary to fill orders
  • Strong school demand will deplete already limited supplies
  • Regional yields are below normal due to adverse weather over the past 10 days
  • The market will rise through next week
  • Quality issues will persist through August; abnormally warm, humid weather is forecast
  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Premium Iceberg is sporadic; Markon Best Available (MBA) will be substituted as needed


Green Leaf and Romaine

  • Expect varying levels of quality over the next 10 days
  • Warm weather and drought-like conditions have increased seeder and insect pressure; yields per acre will decline
  • Lower regional stocks and increased school demand will keep prices elevated through next week
  • MFC Green Leaf and Romaine are sporadic; MBA will be substituted as needed


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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