News and Stories

Update: Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine

June 24, 2015


The iceberg market has inched down over the last several days and should remain at current levels through the middle of next week; cooler temperatures have prevented normal growth and lowered carton weights throughout the industry.


Green leaf and romaine supplies continue to increase in Salinas and Santa Maria, while regional stocks have weakened overall demand. Prices will ease into early next week.



  • Lower case weights will decrease overall yields and could strengthen processor demand; carton weights have fallen as much as 18% since last week
  • Inconsistent temperatures over the past 10 days have delayed growth in summer lettuce varieties, creating inconsistent size and density
  • Strong holiday demand could impact supply levels further
  • Markon expects elevated prices through early next week


Green Leaf and Romaine

  • Expect varying levels of quality over the next 10 days
  • Increased mildew and insect pressure will keep green leaf supplies at average levels, but weak demand will soften the overall market
  • Regional green leaf supplies continue to weaken overall demand
  • Romaine stocks have increased and quality has improved


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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