News and Stories

UPDATE: Grapes

January 05, 2018

Markon First Crop (MFC) California Lunch Bunch Grapes will be shipped through the week of January 8; new crop packer label Chilean Grapes will begin shipping the week of January 15. The California storage season is ending. Supplies will transition offshore for the winter and spring months. Beginning the week of January 15, packer label green and red seedless grapes from Chile will be shipped; expect higher prices.

Green Seedless

  • New crop Chilean supplies will begin shipping January 15
    • Berry size is extra large
    • Quality is very good
    • Prices will rise
  • The market will ease as offshore supplies increase through January

Red Seedless

  • The California storage season will wrap up next week
  • Packer label Chilean Flame variety stocks will begin shipping the week of January 15
    • Offshore quality is good
    • Berries are rounder in shape compared to the current California variety; size may appear slightly smaller due to shape
    • Prices will rise
  • The market will ease as offshore supplies increase through January

Lunch Bunch

  • California-grown MFC Lunch Bunch Grapes will be shipped through the week of January 8
  • Packer label Chilean Flame supplies will begin shipping the week of January 15
  • Prices for portioned packs are inching up as the California season ends; the market is expected to inch up slightly higher once offshore supplies begin shipping
    • Offshore quality is good
    • Berries are rounder in shape compared to the current California variety; size may appear slightly smaller due to shape
    • Overall color is slightly darker
  • Chilean MFC Lunch Bunch Grapes will be available the week of January 29

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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