News and Stories

UPDATE: Fall Transition 2015

September 15, 2015



The fall lettuce and leafy green harvest will begin by mid- to late October when some growers transition from the Salinas Valley to Huron, California (the San Joaquin Valley) growing region. By early November, other growers will begin to harvest in the Yuma, Arizona growing region, where the season runs through March. Because of the continued drought in California and the need for water in the San Joaquin growing region, many growers will once again reduce plantings or skip the Huron area altogether.


  • Huron, California
    • Light harvesting will begin the week of October 12 and will continue through mid- to late November
    • Some growers will not transition to Huron this fall due to significant water shortages
    • Fewer growers are planting green leaf, iceberg, and romaine in Huron each year
    • Water costs remain extremely high this fall
    • Cost per acre-foot is approximately $1,700
    • The normal cost is approximately $200-$400 per acre-foot
  • Yuma, Arizona
    • Harvesting is scheduled to begin in early to mid-November
    • Similar to last year, many growers will again extend the Salinas season and start production in Yuma, Arizona earlier than normal to avoid the Huron growing area
    • Expect a similar process during the spring transition; growers will remain in Yuma later and/or start earlier in Salinas
    • Heavy rains from Hurricane Linda could affect early harvests in November; rains may have disrupted plantings, pushing back harvests slated for November


Some growers will also plant in other areas of California, such as Santa Maria, to reduce production in Huron. Depending on weather conditions during this transition time, quality issues could increase. If growers decide to stay longer in Salinas, premature pinking, light weights, mildew, and increased dirt in commodity packs could arise due to cold, wet weather conditions. Seeder, fringe burn, internal burn, sun scalding, and dehydration may result from extreme heat if growers start earlier in Yuma. Prices will be very volatile during this time if weather conditions are not favorable.


Markon will continually update as the fall transition nears and more information becomes available.


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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