News and Stories

UPDATE: East Coast Weather

December 16, 2015


Heavy rains in Central Florida over the last several weeks have reduced yields and damaged plants. Expect tight bell pepper, cucumber, eggplant, green bean, and tomato supplies. Prices will remain elevated for the next four to six weeks while stocks increase.

  • The ground is saturated as a result of record rainfall over the last two weeks, causing root damage to current plants
  • Even though temperatures are forecast in the mid-80s, persistent daily showers aren’t allowing fields enough time to dry out
  • Lost plant blooms caused by strong winds and heavy rain will result in low volume by mid-January
  • Mexican stocks are limited as well, pushing overall prices higher
  • Expect a shorter-than-normal shelf-life in most items
  • Quality issues may include discoloration and scarring on cucumbers, eggplant, and squash; bell peppers may exhibit bruising and stem decay

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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