News and Stories

UPDATE: Demand Far Exceeds Supply

April 14, 2017

Broccoli, cauliflower, celery, iceberg, green leaf, and romaine prices are at historically high levels. Supplies of all commodities remain limited due to erratic weather conditions over the past several months in the main West Coast growing regions of Arizona and California.

Green Leaf and Romaine

  • Both commodities have experienced the biggest price increase and tightest supplies
    • We anticipate romaine volume to increase next week and green leaf stocks to become more plentiful by the week of May 1
    • Suppliers will continue monitoring sales to cover regular customers, holding to weekly averages
    • Contract triggers have been implemented and will continue to fluctuate as markets adjust over the next four to six weeks 


  • Stocks are expected to become even scarcer next week, with some processors trying to purchase additional fields to cover expected demand
  • Suppliers will monitor sales to cover regular customers, holding to weekly averages
  • Contract triggers have been implemented and will continue to increase as markets rise

Broccoli and Cauliflower      

  • Broccoli and cauliflower supplies became limited the week of March 27
  • Cauliflower stocks will be extremely tight next week, causing suppliers to hold all customers well below normal weekly averages
  • Broccoli volume is anticipated to increase slightly next week, as more fields become accessible for harvest
  • Contract triggers have been implemented and will continue to fluctuate as markets adjust over the next four to six weeks 


  • Expect volume to decline sharply next week; supplies will remain limited through the end of the month   
  • Suppliers will continue monitoring sales to cover regular customers, holding to weekly averages

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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