News and Stories

UPDATE: Cucumber and Squash Prices

November 17, 2015

Cucumber, yellow squash, and zucchini prices will rise this week due to shortages in Mexico. Temperatures in the northern state of Sonora are forecast to dip as low as the mid-40s over the next several days. Cold weather will tighten stocks further in regions already affected by heavy rain that occurred in September and October. Expect high prices for two to three weeks until new production starts in the southern part of the state.

  • Demand has shifted from the West Coast to the East Coast, but Central Florida’s cool weather is lowering volume and causing prices to climb
  • The California squash season ended a few weeks early due to cold temperatures and rain
  • Some of the Mexican fields that were harvested early are now past their peak; cold temperatures are delaying growth in new fields
  • Expect elevated prices until supplies rebound in two to three weeks

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