News and Stories

UPDATE: Cold Temperatures in the Southeast

January 10, 2018

Prices for several commodities have risen following last week’s low temperatures; supplies are limited. Weather is improving in the Southeast this week; strong winds have subsided and temperatures are climbing.

  • Markon First Crop Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, and Squash are limited in Florida
  • Bell pepper, cucumber, and squash markets are higher this week following last week’s cold weather and strong winds in Florida
    • Freezing temperatures damaged some lots and delayed harvesting
    • Strong winds resulted in bloom drop
    • Expect tight supplies for the next two weeks
  • Cabbage volume is extremely low
  • The Georgia season has ended; Florida stocks are limited due to the inclement weather
  • The market is up
  • Mexico and Honduras are the primary growing regions for the winter months
  • This product can be used to supplement (into Florida)
  • Temperatures did not get cold enough to cause any significant damage
  • Markets are much lower this week as new crop supplies increase
  • Florida-grown cucumbers will be limited until the season ends in April
  • Tomato supplies in the southern part of the state fared well

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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