News and Stories

UPDATE: Cilantro

October 15, 2015


West Coast cilantro supplies are back to normal levels, however persistently high temperatures in the growing regions of Oxnard, California and Baja, Mexico continue to weaken raw product quality. Central Mexican stocks (into South Texas) have re-bounded, stabilizing industry demand and easing pressure on West Coast producers. Expect improved quality from West Coast sources by late next week as weather improves in Oxnard and Baja harvesting transitions inland to Mexicali.


  • Ready-Set-Serve Washed & Trimmed Cilantro is sporadic; packer label will be substituted as needed
  • Hot, humid weather in Baja and Oxnard is diminishing quality, weakening plant cell structure, and reducing shelf-life
  • Expect improved quality by next week as warm weather subsides in both growing regions and the Mexican crop transitions to a new growing area


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