News and Stories

UPDATE: California Rain Affecting Citrus

January 04, 2016


A series of wet winter storms are forecast to move through the citrus growing region of California’s San Joaquin Valley over the next four to five days. The first storm is expected to start this evening, Monday, January 4, followed by several systems continuing through Friday, January 8 (with a minimal break between storms). Estimated total rainfall ranges from one to two inches. Another storm is forecast for late Saturday, January 9/early Sunday, January 10, followed by another system which could potentially bring another inch and a half of rainfall to the San Joaquin Valley on Monday, January 11. Citrus growers have been harvesting ahead of schedule in anticipation of this week’s rain, but supplies are expected to tighten by mid-week. Prices will rise due to limited stocks.

  • Growers have been harvesting as much fruit as possible ahead of schedule in anticipation of this week’s weather
  • Rain will affect oranges more than lemons (lemons are typically picked and stored longer based on color)
  • Fruit must dry before harvesting can resume
    • Skin break down and brown spotting will occur if fruit is picked while wet
    • Fruit becomes pliable, causing damage during harvesting and packing
    • Defects are not seen for five to seven days after harvest
    • Wet weather decreases shelf-life
  • Prices will climb
    • Harvesting will be curtailed
    • Storage supplies will become depleted
    • Demand will be strong
  • Expect large sizes to dominate both crops; increased growth is a result of extended periods of rain

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