News and Stories

UPDATE: California Citrus

December 20, 2017

Orange and lemons prices are climbing; supplies of small-size fruit for the foodservice sector are extremely tight. Lemon volume is expected to increase in early February; however, orange supplies will remain limited for the rest of the Navel season.


  • Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials (ESS) Lemons are available
  • California is the primary growing region; the Mexican and offshore seasons have ended
    • Supplies out of the California/Arizona desert region were lower than normal this year
    • California’s San Joaquin Valley is slowly ramping up; supplies are limited
    • The Southern California coastal region will not begin producing significant volume until February
  • 165-count and smaller sizes are extremely tight (all grades)
  • Markets are higher with no reductions expected until February


  • MFC and ESS Oranges are available
  • The 2017/2018 California Navel season is one of the smallest crops of the past eight years
  • Expect shortages of small sizes over the next three to five months
    • As the end of December approaches, size structure is dominated by 72-count and larger fruit; very few 113-count and smaller sizes are available
    • The crop is favoring Fancy grade oranges, with very few Choice grade fruit on the market (85% Fancy, 15% Choice)
    • Overall quality is very good
  • Small sizes will tighten even further in early January when schools go back into session
  • Prices are currently higher than normal and expected to continue climbing over the next few months
  • Cara Cara oranges from California and juicing oranges from Florida, Mexico, and Texas, will need to be supplemented to fill orders

Please contact your customer service representative for more information.

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