News and Stories

UPDATE: Broccoli and Cauliflower Supplies

December 02, 2015


Colder-than-normal daytime weather coupled with freezing early morning temperatures in the Salinas Valley, Santa Maria, and the Arizona/California desert growing region over the last several weeks are reducing broccoli and cauliflower supplies. Prices are high.

  • Broccoli and cauliflower supplies remain extremely limited on the West Coast; prices are elevated
  • Freezing temperatures in the Arizona/California desert growing region are slowing growth and delaying harvests
  • Despite limited West Coast supplies, Mexican stocks (into South Texas) are abundant 
  • Slightly warmer weather is expected in the desert growing region at the end of this week and into next week
    • Supplies should start increasing by the end of next week
    • The extended forecast calls for lower-than-normal temperatures, so overall growth will be slow
  • Markon First Crop Broccoli Crowns and Markon Essentials Cauliflower are sporadic; packer label will be substituted due to limited supplies and quality issues
  • Supplies will remain tight and prices will be volatile over the next several weeks

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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