News and Stories

UPDATE: Blackberries and Raspberries

September 10, 2015


Raspberry and blackberry supplies are limited due to recent high temperatures in the Salinas-Watsonville growing region; prices are elevated. Production has drastically decreased and harvesting has been curtailed due to the abnormally warm weather.


  • Abnormally warm weather patterns have limited harvests; volume is very low
  • Harvesting crews have been sent home early for the past two days due to triple-digit temperatures inside growing hoops
  • Bleeding, bruising, and soft texture are quality concerns
  • Cooler weather is expected next week; availability should increase at that time
  • Limited quantities of Mexican blackberries have begun crossing into South Texas; volume levels are not expected until early to mid-October
  • Mexican raspberries are expected to start crossing into the U.S. in late September/early October


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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