News and Stories

UPDATE: Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, and Squash

March 02, 2016


Although green and red bell pepper prices are starting to ease, markets remain strong in Florida and Mexico; large sizes are especially limited. Cucumber and squash prices have been low, but will start rising through mid-March when new crop spring harvests begin. Weather in Belle Glade, Homestead, and Loxahatchee, Florida is forecast to be mostly dry with partly cloudy skies for the next 10 days. Growing regions in Sonora and Sinaloa, Mexico are expecting ideal growing conditions. 


Bell Peppers

  • Mexican stocks are adequate, but supplies remain tight in Florida, keeping the overall market elevated
  • Jumbo and extra-large bell peppers are very tight; prices are highest for these sizes
  • New crop harvesting will start in Florida in approximately two weeks; the additional volume will help ease prices
  • Quality is best from Mexico; issues in Florida, such as bruising and scarring, will diminish when stocks become more plentiful


  • Offshore volume (from the Dominican Republic into Florida) is falling; domestic harvesting is expected to start in approximately two weeks
  • Supplies from Mexico are sufficient, but limited East Coast stocks will increase demand
  • Expect rising prices until new fields in Florida reach peak production later this month


  • Production is beginning to increase in Florida, but remains below normal; new crop harvesting will increase supplies in the coming weeks
  • Prices had been easing, but as harvesting winds down in the southern region of Sonora, Mexico (Guaymas), yellow squash and zucchini prices will inch up
  • Northern growers in Hermosillo, Mexico are starting production, but stocks won’t reach optimum levels for another two weeks
  • Expect higher prices for at least two weeks or until supplies become more abundant

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