News and Stories

UPDATE: Avocados

May 04, 2017

Avocado supplies are extremely limited compared to previous years and will remain tight until the Mexican fall crop begins in September.

  • Mexico’s fruit cost is much higher than last season; the industry overestimated the crop size early in the year (volume is down approximately 18%)
  • California’s season is peaking; quality is excellent, but crop size is down approximately 50% compared to last season
  • Although Peru is expected to send more imports this year, their season is delayed until late May/early June
  • Large sizes (48-count and larger) are the most limited
    • 60-count and smaller sizes are more readily available
    • 48-count fruit cost significantly more than 60- or 70-count avocados
  • Processors are facing fruit maturity and sizing challenges when sourcing raw product due to the overall limited availability of large sizes

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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