News and Stories

LIVE FROM THE FIELDS: Yuma Quality & Weather Update

November 20, 2019

Please click here to view a Markon Live from the Fields video regarding recent weather events and the quality of lettuce/leafy greens in the Yuma, Arizona growing region.

  • Yuma and the surrounding desert growing regions have experienced several notable weather events over the past several weeks
    • Heavy rain and hail in September led to planting disruptions and either wiped out or caused uneven stands in many fields
    • A cold snap in late October slowed growth and caused sporadic epidermal blistering and peeling
    • Currently, a series of low pressure systems is dropping up to an inch of rainfall, creating poor field conditions
  • The unusual weather has mostly impacted yields and case weights; overall quality is very good in lettuce and leafy greens
  • Markon inspectors are monitoring supplies for any rain-related issues and will update further as needed

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for further information.  

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