News and Stories
April 22, 2021
Please click here to view a Markon Live from the Fields video regarding the recent start-up of California’s Salinas Valley growing region.
- The tumultuous transition of lettuce and leafy greens crops from the desert region to the Salinas Valley is complete
- Markon inspectors report strong quality and good overall case weights for all major commodity lettuce items with few exceptions
- Cold, windy days have slowed growth rates for many crops, but supplies are ample
- Orders will be packed ahead leading into the weekend due to a chance for showers on Sunday, April 25
- Markon inspectors will monitor quality and field conditions, but are expecting little impact from the rain
- All Markon staff are focused on securing supply and expediting loading for the upcoming Mother’s Day holiday
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for further information.
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