News and Stories

FROM THE FIELDS: Thunderstorms & Potential Hail in Salinas, CA

May 04, 2016


Weather forecasts are calling for a broad, unstable low pressure system to move into California’s Central Coast growing regions over the next two days. Rainfall could begin by the morning of Thursday, May 5 and continue periodically through Friday evening, May 6. Temperatures are also expected to drop to the low to mid-60s by Friday; roughly 5-10 degrees below seasonal norms.


Any rainfall received may be fairly isolated and may not total more than 0.2”, but growers are packing orders ahead today nonetheless due to the potential for thunderstorms and possibly hail in some areas.


Apart from the normal rain-related quality and shelf life concerns in Salinas Valley row crop items, Markon inspectors will be watching closely for any hail damage that could have a significant impact on the current supply situation, which is already very tight.


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


John Galvez

Quality Assurance


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