News and Stories

FROM THE FIELDS: Significant Harvesting Delays

December 16, 2015


For the second consecutive morning the Arizona/California desert growing region received moderate-to severe lettuce ice as early morning temperatures dropped to the low 30s. Harvesting crews are expected to be delayed up to 4-5 hours while they wait for crops to thaw out.


The forecast is calling for a third consecutive morning of heavy ice tomorrow morning, Thursday, December 17 before temperatures warm slightly on Friday, December 18. Expect significant harvesting and loading delays as well as potential product shortages as a result of the limited production this week.


Markon inspectors are monitoring supplies and working with growers to select the best available lots, but are expecting freeze-related issues to be present in most crops for the next several weeks.


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


Blake Anderson

Quality Assurance


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