News and Stories

FROM THE FIELDS: RSS Chopped & Shredded Romaine

October 31, 2017

Immature raw romaine has been utilized over the past several weeks as processors were forced to stretch product to cover supply shortages. Due to the immaturity of the romaine, leaf cell structures were not allowed to fully develop, which in turn creates the potential for bruising, mechanical damage, and breakdown before the Best By date.

Inconsistent weather conditions in the Salinas Valley have increased mildew pressure, decreasing yields at the field and processing levels. Mildew damage has been found in some finished packs, which can also shorten shelf-life.

Unfortunately, there is finished product in the system that may not meet the stated shelf-life for the next 10 to 12 days. Better quality and larger size are being reported in upcoming lots; expect improved shelf-life moving forward.


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

Blake Anderson

Quality Assurance

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