News and Stories
FROM THE FIELDS: Rain Showers in California
A cold, fast moving low pressure system passed through the Salinas Valley 0.28” and Santa Maria growing region 0.07” early Saturday morning followed by gusty winds up to 20 mph.
Many growers packed ahead on Friday, April 24th, in anticipation of the rain, but harvesting and loading delays may still occur over the next couple of days despite the relatively low rainfall totals. Shippers will be taking measures to keep boxes as clean and dry as possible at the field level.
Markon inspectors will be monitoring fields closely for any rain-related quality issues and will also be increasing inspections of Ready-Set-Serve shelf life retains in the coming days and will update further once the impact of the rain is more clear.
Please contact your Markon customer support representative for more information.
Erika Sanchez
Quality Assurance
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