News and Stories


November 09, 2020

The Huron, California growing region received over a quarter inch of rain this morning that has caused harvest of some iceberg lettuce orders to be canceled; Monday-loading orders will be affected.

Typically, consolidated orders that are scheduled to load on Mondays must be packed on Saturday to allow time for cooling, staging, and transferring of the product to Markon’s consolidation dock for on-time shipping. The amount of rain received was well above the forecasted amounts, giving shippers no time to make adjustments. A chance for more light showers on Sunday, the 8th and possible lettuce ice on Monday, the 9th will further hinder harvest and transfer times on Monday.

Markon purchasing staff are working with suppliers to find back-up options for Monday-loading iceberg lettuce orders.

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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