News and Stories

FROM THE FIELDS: Prolonged Heat in the Desert Region

March 15, 2017

The Arizona/California desert growing season continues to wind down. In the coming weeks, suppliers will be transitioning to Huron and Salinas, California. Temperatures have been in the upper 80s to mid-90s for the past five days and are forecast to remain in the mid-90s this week before cooling to the low 80s by Tuesday, March 21.

Growers are keeping their remaining fields watered and starting harvesting operations much earlier in the morning to minimize problems, but the following heat-related quality defects are expected to increase on all lettuce, leaf, and tender green items:

  • Decay
  • Dehydration
  • Dense Texture
  • Elevated Insect Pressure
  • Growth Cracking
  • Internal Burn
  • Mildew Pressure
  • Rib Blight
  • Shortened Shelf-Life Potential
  • Sun Scalding
  • Weak Tips

Markon inspectors are working with suppliers to pack the best available product, but recommend ordering for quick turns and maintaining the cold chain throughout distribution.

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.    

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