News and Stories

FROM THE FIELDS: Muddy Conditions in Salinas, California

November 10, 2015


California’s Salinas Valley received close to one inch of rain between Sunday, November 8 and Monday, November 9, causing some harvesting cancelations this morning. Growers that are harvesting today will experience very slow production due to muddy, wet conditions.

  • Harvesting will be very slow for the remainder of the week
  • Markon inspectors will work with harvesting managers to keep boxes as clean and dry as possible
  • Loading delays are expected over the next several days until fields dry up and normal production resumes
  • Sunny conditions are forecast with highs in the mid-60s for the rest of this week
  • There is the potential for more rain this Sunday, November 15, as well as the middle of next week
  • Markon will continue to update if more rain impacts the Salinas Valley 

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


John Galvez

Quality Assurance


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