News and Stories

FROM THE FIELDS: Iceberg Lettuce in Huron, CA

October 30, 2015

Markon First Crop (MFC) Premium Iceberg Lettuce is currently unavailable in the Huron, California growing region; Markon Best Available (MBA) is being substituted as needed.


Markon inspectors have been monitoring iceberg lettuce fields in the Huron growing region and are finding quality has improved since last week. Unfortunately, case weights remain below MFC specifications for liner lettuce, which will force us to pack MBA. Quality problems we are currently experiencing include:

  • Large ribs that are causing elevated mechanical damage
  • Long core/seeder
  • Sporadic growth cracking

The varieties grown in the Huron region have a more fragile leaf structure, which can be damaged easily during packing compared to other varieties. Markon inspectors are working with harvesting crews to select the best lots available in order to limit mechanical damage. 


Rain showers are forecast in Central California starting Sunday evening, November 1, and continuing off and on through Tuesday, November 3. Growing areas that will be effected by the rain include:

  • Hollister
  • Huron
  • Salinas
  • Santa Maria
  • Watsonville

Depending on growing area, rainfall amounts are forecast to range from less than .50 inches to an inch. Harvesting and loading delays are expected, as well as elevated levels of dirt/mud inside and outside of the cartons.


Temperatures in the mid- to upper 30 degree range are forecast in the wake of this storm front, which may cause the development of lettuce ice. Markon inspectors will monitor all growing areas closely and update further as needed.


Please contact your Markon customer support representative for more information.


John Galvez

Quality Assurance


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