News and Stories

FROM THE FIELDS: High Winds & Cold in the Desert Region

December 14, 2015


The Arizona/California desert growing region experienced wind gusts up to 50 mph this morning. The high winds and cloud cover prevented ice from developing on lettuce and other crops today, but daytime highs are expected to only reach the mid- to upper 50s. This cold front will bring freezing temperatures starting Tuesday, December 15 that will persist for the rest of the week. As winds die down and morning temperatures drop into the low 30s, another wave of widespread lettuce ice is forecast all week.


Another cold front will move into Sonoran Desert Valleys on Tuesday, December 22 and persist through Sunday, December 27. Harvesting and loading delays of up to five hours are expected over the next several days; crews must allow lettuce crops to thaw completely before production begins.


Markon inspectors are also reporting elevated levels of dirt after the last few days of high winds, particularly in leaf lettuce items. Harvesting crews will trim extensively to remove as much as possible, but expect more than normal in finished packs for at least the next five days.


Markon Inspectors will continue evaluating field conditions and quality and will report back as needed.


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


Blake Anderson

Quality Assurance


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