News and Stories

FROM THE FIELDS: Harvesting Delays in Salinas, California

November 16, 2015


For the third consecutive weekend, California’s Salinas Valley received rainfall that will result in poor field conditions and harvesting/loading delays today. Approximately a half inch of rain was recorded on Sunday, November 15, and much cooler temperatures following the storm are expected to cause lettuce ice by mid-week, but no more rain is in the immediate forecast.


This is essentially the last full week of production for Salinas-based commodity and value-added lettuce items. By the week of November 23 the vast majority of these items will be harvested and processed in the desert growing regions that include Coachella/Imperial Valley, California and Yuma, Arizona.


Markon inspectors are evaluating field conditions, quality, and supply situations in all of these areas during this extremely busy week of the seasonal growing transition, and will update further as needed.


Please contact your Markon customer support representative for more information.


John Galvez

Quality Assurance


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