News and Stories

FROM THE FIELDS: Harvesting Cancellations in Salinas, California

November 02, 2015


Many Salinas, California grower-shippers have cancelled today’s harvest due to poor field conditions brought on by this morning’s rain showers. Approximately one inch has already been recorded in the Salinas area as of 8:00 a.m. (PST). A significant amount of product was packed ahead over the past two days, but some shortages may still occur. The Huron and Santa Maria growing regions have not received rain as of yet; growers are planning to harvest.


Although the rain is a welcomed sight, it will cause quality and supply issues for the remainder of the season. Some of these problems include, but are not limited to:


  • Bottom rot in lettuce crops
  • Extremely limited strawberry supplies
  • Mildew pressure
  • Premature pinking in commodity and value-added lettuce items
  • Shortened shelf-life in all row crop items


Morning temperatures are expected to dip into the low to mid-30s in the wake of this storm, potentially causing lettuce ice to develop on Tuesday, November 3 and Wednesday, November 4. Markon inspectors will be assessing quality and field conditions and will continue to update as needed.


Please contact your Markon customer support representative for more information.


John Galvez

Quality Assurance


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