News and Stories

FROM THE FIELDS: Desert Region Cold Snap

December 26, 2015


A set of two strong, cold trofs will be passing through the Arizona/California desert growing region Saturday, December 26 through Tuesday, December 29. High winds with gusts ranging from 25 to 40 mph will create poor harvesting conditions and blowing dust today. Sporadic lettuce ice may delay production in areas that are less windy, but the majority of harvesting crews will not be held back by lettuce ice this morning.


Daytime highs will be in the low 50s-to low 60s. Once the winds calm down, widespread severe lettuce ice is expected to develop Sunday, December 27 through Wednesday, December 30, leading to more substantial production and loading delays.


Markon inspectors will be monitoring supplies and working with growers to select the best available lots, but are expecting freeze-related issues to worsen and become more widespread over the next few weeks.


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


John Galvez

Quality Assurance


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