News and Stories

FROM THE FIELDS: Cold, Wet Weather In California Growing Regions

March 16, 2018

Lettuce and leafy greens growers are making the transition north to the growing regions of Huron, California, before the seasonal move to Salinas, California in early April. Initial Huron supplies are exhibiting decay and epidermal peeling; low weights are also a problem due to recent rain. Insect pressure is not excessive at this time.  

A series of storm systems is forecast for this weekend in Huron, California. Markon recommends placing orders in Yuma for best quality.

Weather has warmed in the Arizona/California desert growing region. While inspectors are seeing some epidermal peeling and discoloration, overall quality is good; weights are higher, but continue to struggle to achieve Markon First Crop specifications.

The Arizona/California desert growing region is expected to reach the mid-70s/low 80s over the next 10 days, allowing lettuce and leafy green head weights and overall volume to increase.   

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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