News and Stories

FROM THE FIELDS: Central and Southern California Strawberries

February 26, 2016


Markon First Crop (MFC) Strawberries are available in both the Oxnard and Santa Maria, California growing regions; a limited quantity of Markon Best Available Strawberries are being substituted in some lots that are producing smaller berries with uneven color.


An extremely rainy January caused consecutive weeks of quality and supply issues for California strawberries, but recent weather has been warm and dry with cool nights, improving quality in the key growing regions. Some quality and size issues persist, but overall conditions and shelf-life are much better compared to a few weeks ago.



  • The winter growing season is approaching its peak; supplies should remain ample through March, pending weather
  • MFC Strawberries are available
  • Size varies, but medium-plus to large fruit are most plentiful; overall color is deep and flavor is sweet
  • Green tips are common in supplies grown in late winter/early spring and are considered a cosmetic issue only

Santa Maria:

  • New crop spring volume is increasing rapidly, but it will be a few more weeks before ample stocks are available
  • A limited quantity of MFC Strawberries are available; supply levels will increase weekly
  • Green tips are being observed by Markon inspectors
  • Size ranges from medium-plus to large; texture is firm

Temperatures are expected to remain ideal for growth in both areas through at least early March. Daytime highs in the low to upper 70s and lows in the 50s will promote growth, strengthen texture, and sweeten flavor. The next chance for rain will be March 6. Markon inspectors will continue to monitor regions as the Oxnard season comes to a close and the Santa Maria season increases to full production.


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


Erika Sanchez

Quality Assurance


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