News and Stories

FROM THE FIELDS: California Central Coast Quality

July 15, 2015


California’s Central Coast, including the Salinas Valley and Santa Maria, has experienced warm, humid conditions over the past 7 to 10 days. The combination of long, hot days and warm, humid nights is affecting the quality and shelf-life potential of berries, lettuces, tender leaf items, and other crops.


Markon inspectors are reporting rapid quality changes in some lots; the following defects are developing from one day to the next:



  • Bleeding, bronzing, bruising, and soft texture
  • Decreased size
  • Shortened shelf-life


Leafy Greens and Lettuce Items

  • Elevated insect pressure (aphid and leaf miner)
  • Fringe burn
  • Internal burn
  • Large size (iceberg lettuce)
  • Long core/seeder
  • Mildew pressure
  • Shortened shelf-life


Value-Added Salads and Tender Leaf Items

  • Brittle texture (tender leaf)
  • Dehydration
  • Elevated mechanical damage
  • Higher respiration rates
  • Internal burn
  • Paler-than-normal color due to extra trimming (iceberg-based salads)
  • Shortened shelf-life


Weather forecasts are calling for a return to seasonal norms at the end of the week, but Markon will be on alert for potential rain on Sunday, July 19; Hurricane Dolores is sending extra moisture north from Baja California to Santa Barbara County and eventually the Monterey Bay. Up to an inch of rainfall could be recorded in some parts of the Central Coast, potentially impacting quality and shelf-life further.



Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


John Galvez

Quality Assurance


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