News and Stories

Fall Moves

October 03, 2012

 Lettuce field in Huron, California


We’ve spoken at length about the big transition from Salinas, California to Yuma, Arizona in late November (and from Yuma back to Salinas in April) here on the blog before, but before that tremendous move gets into full swing, some lettuce growers do a shorter transition to Huron, California and strawberry suppliers shift production to Oxnard, California where the bulk of West Coast winter and early spring production takes place.


By mid-October, Salinas crops are winding down and there really isn’t enough time to plant another round before the cold weather sets in. Moving across the state to the Huron region gives growers an extra four- to six-weeks of favorable conditions while the weather in Yuma cools down from its extremely hot summer. Some lettuce growers take advantage of this mini season in Huron, while others elect to extend the Salinas season as long as possible, or make an earlier move to the desert growing region as weather permits.


Markon inspectors make these moves as well. Although we live part of the year in Salinas and part in Coachella/Yuma, we additionally travel to the other key growing regions to ensure that quality is meeting Markon standards and that our 5-Star Food Safety® Program is being upheld. Yes, we are constantly on the move, whether from field to field or from region to region—Markon’s Boots in the Field are always traveling so you can be sure the produce you order is of the highest quality possible.


We’ll be posting lots of new and relevant “Live from the Fields” videos on our YouTube Channel along the way, so be sure to subscribe and check-in with us frequently.