What is Shigellosis?
Any of the four main species of the pathogen Shigella. Most cases occur in regions with sub-standard hygiene and unsafe water supplies. A few cases of Shigellosis are reported in the US each year.
Typical Symptoms
- Fever
- Severe abdominal cramps
- Diarrhea
- In the most serious cases, seizures and death
Most at risk
- Young children
- Elderly
- Immunocompromised
How is it Spread?
- By contaminated food or water
- Person-to-person contact
Harbored in human feces only
- Examples
- If an infected person does not wash his/her hands properly after using the toilet, they may pass along the bacteria by physical contact or by handling food
- If contaminated water touches food at any stage (irrigation, washing, rinsing, etc.), food may also become contaminated
Food Safety