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Ready-Set-Serve Lettuce Jammers with Chicken-Avocado Salad

Healthy and easy to eat, these hand-held, gluten-free wraps are packed with produce and protein.


8 individual Ready-Set-Serve Lettuce Jammers

2 cups rotisserie chicken, chopped

1 cup Markon First Crop Hot-House Cucumbers, sliced

1 cup Ready-Set-Serve Color Shred Organic Carrots

4 Ready-Set-Serve Avocado Halves, cubed

1/2 cup Markon First Crop Red Onion, sliced


Fill each Ready-Set-Serve Lettuce Jammer with equal portions of chicken, cucumbers, carrots, avocado cubes, and red onion slices. Serve with house-made dipping sauce.

2 lettuce wraps per serving.