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Ready-Set-Serve Kale Color Crunch and Shrimp Tostadas

The crunch and subtle sweetness of Ready-Set-Serve Kale Color Crunch is the perfect base for these spicy shrimp and creamy guacamole.


4 tostada rounds

16 large shrimp, peeled and cleaned

1 tsp. cumin, ground

1 tsp. cayenne

1 tsp. salt

1/2 cup Ready-Set-Serve Washed & Trimmed Cilantro, split in two portions

1/4 cup Canola oil

1 cup Ready-Set-Serve Kale Color Crunch

4 Tbsp. Ready-Set-Serve Pico de Gallo Guacamole


Arrange tostada rounds on serving plates.

Hand mix Ready-Set-Serve Kale Color Crunch with house-made lime vinaigrette; set aside.

Toss shrimp with cumin, cayenne, salt, and 1/4 cup of cilantro. Heat oil in large skillet then add shrimp. Cook until just done (make sure not to overcook).

Top tostada rounds with heaping portion of RSS Kale Color Crunch, then four shrimp, and finally one tablespoon of guacamole. Sprinkle remaining cilantro over tostadas.

Serve immediately.