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Massaman Curry with Potatoes and Carrots

When most think of curry, they think spicy. Massaman is a milder version, with sweet, nutty notes that pair well with the comforting potato and carrot ingredients.


Massaman curry paste

4 cloves Ready-Set-Serve Peeled Garlic

2 tsp. coriander

2 tsp. lemongrass paste

1 tsp. kosher salt

1 tsp. cumin

1/2 tsp. black pepper

1/2 tsp. ginger

1/8 tsp. nutmeg

1/8 tsp. cinnamon

Blend all in food processor until smooth or pound with mortar and pestle.

2 T canola oil

1 C Ready-Set-Serve Sliced Yellow Onions

3 Markon First Crop Idaho Russet Potatoes, peeled and chopped

2 C Ready-Set-Serve Carrot Coins

1 C Ready-Set-Serve Sliced Celery

1/4 C peanut butter

2 T brown sugar

2 T Ready-Set-Serve Lime Juice

1 T fish sauce

1 T red curry paste

1/4 C Massaman curry paste (recipe above)

1 can coconut milk, blended

2 C low-sodium vegetable stock

1/2 C peanuts, peeled and chopped

1 lb. chicken breast or plant-based chicken substitute, cubed and cooked/browned


Heat oil in a large skillet. When hot, add onions, potatoes, and carrots. Cook for two to three minutes or until vegetables start to soften. Add peanut butter, brown sugar, lime juice, fish sauce, and both curry pastes and stir to combine.

Add coconut milk and vegetable stock, stirring to evenly distribute flavors. Add chicken and peanuts and simmer for 20 more minutes or until all vegetable are fork tender.

Serve over rice and/or with naan.