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Deconstructed Salad

Go interactive: let your guests have fun tossing these healthy, colorful cubes of fruits and vegetables with airy spring mix.


6 Ready-Set-Serve (RSS) Avocado Halves, cubed

2 cups cantaloupe, cubed

2 cups watermelon, cubed

1 cup artisan Mozzarella cheese, cubed

1 Tbsp. flax seeds

1/4 cup olive oil

1/4 cup Balsamic syrup

Kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper

Micro-greens, for garnishing

4 cups Ready-Set-Serve Spring Mix


Arrange cubes in an artistic pattern, alternating colors on four plates. Sprinkle with flax seeds, micro-greens, kosher salt, and pepper. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic syrup.

Serve with equal portions of spring mix on top or to the side of cubes.