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Crispy Fries with Tarragon Aioli

This combination of Russet and sweet potatoes is double fried for extra crunch! Pair them with the flavor of the moment: sophisticated tarragon.
1 egg yolk
2 cloves Ready-Set-Serve Peeled Garlic
1/4 C olive oil
3 T avocado oil
1 tsp. Ready-Set-Serve Lemon Juice
1/2 tsp. kosher salt
1 T Markon First Crop Tarragon, chopped
2 Markon First Crop Idaho Russet Burbank Potatoes, cut into thick strips
1 large sweet potato, peeled and cut into thick strips
1 T kosher salt
1/4 tsp. black pepper
1/2 C canola oil added for frying oil
Blend all aioli ingredients except tarragon in a food processor or blender until fully emulsified. Stir in tarragon.
Heat a deep fryer until hot.
Soak potato strips in ice water for ten minutes. Rinse and fully dry (do not drop wet potatoes into the fryer).
Add potato strips to hot fryer in batches, draining on a wire rack. Salt potatoes when they come out of the fryer.