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Celery-Spinach Panna Cotta

This panna cotta combines earthy greens and refreshing celery for a mid-course palate cleanser or a savory dessert.
2 C whipping cream
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
1/2 C spinach juice
1/2 C celery juice
1 clove Ready-Set-Serve Peeled Garlic, roasted
1 tsp. zest of Markon First Crop Lemon
1/4 tsp. salt
Put whipping cream in a sauce pan. Sprinkle one packet of gelatin over liquid and cook on low heat, while stirring, until gelatin is dissolved. Add spinach and celery juices, garlic, lemon zest, and salt. Simmer for five minutes or until mixture starts to bubble. Strain.
Arrange four stemless wine glasses. Pour in equal portions of the mixture, top with plastic wrap and chill until firm (four to six hours).
When firm, decorate with edible flowers, microgreens, and rye bread “soil.”