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General Produce

12-, 15-, 18-, 24-, 30-, 36-, and 48-count
Artichokes should be heavy for their size, compact, and firm with soft green color. Shape and color will vary, depending on variety and season. During spring, artichokes will be globe-shaped; during summer and fall, artichokes will be more conical with slightly flared petals. During winter, artichokes may exhibit a white blistered or bronze appearance due to exposure to frost. This cosmetic defect does not affect quality, and in fact, enhances the nutty flavor of the artichoke.
Avoid artichokes that appear wilted, moldy, significantly discolored, or woody.
Short-term storage recommendation (7 days or less)
- 32-36° F/0-2° C
- 90-98% relative humidity
Artichokes may wilt or become moldy if they are stored improperly.
Significant discoloration can result from rough handling.
Woody appearance may indicate over-mature product.
- Roast baby artichokes and asparagus; serve with garlic aioli.
- Serve a poached egg on braised artichoke bottoms; drizzle with Hollandaise sauce and Sriracha.