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Red Wine Poached Pears

Elegant with both sweet and savory notes, red wine poached pears can accompany steak and seafood or work as a stand-alone dessert.


4 large Bosc pears, peeled and cored

1 bottle red wine (Merlot, Shiraz, or Cabernet)

3/4 cup sugar, only use if dessert application

3 star anise

1/2 lemon

2 sprigs Markon First Crop Rosemary, only use if a side application

3 cinnamon sticks

1 sheet parchment paper


Place all ingredients in tall pot with small diameter (so pears are covered with wine). Cut parchment paper to fit inside the pot; cover both wine and pears. Simmer 30-45 minutes. Remove pot from heat; refrigerate to cool. Serve.