Jose Luis Arellano

Truck Driver, 4Earth Farms

Jose Luis Arellano, Truck Driver, 4Earth Farms
“I remember when I was a kid and my parents called us to eat, I would see a beautiful bowl filled with warm orange soup with the carrot-flavored steam still rising above it. My eyes would light up with joy because of how delicious this carrot soup looked. And when I tasted it, it tasted so good that I would ask for seconds. The next time, the color would be green—meaning that night we were having spinach. What great times!” ***** “Recuerdo cuando era nino nos llamaron a comer y cuando vi ese hermoso color naranja todabia saliendole un delisiozo humito con sabor a zanahoria. Mis ojos brillaron de alegria por lo delisioso que se veia ese plato de sopa de zanahoria. Y cuando lo prove estaba super requisimo recuerdo que pedi mas. En otra acasion el color de la sopa era verde, era sopa de espinacas. Muchas Gracias”